The "cathedral of Splendor"
The gemstone of love
Amethyst celebrates Februarys birthday
Aquarius - Pisces

This gemstone is the most expensive variety of Quartz
Claimed to have mystical powers
A natural tranquilliser, releaving stress & strain, balances mood swings
Amethyst has been used in Jewelry in Medieval churches as a symbol of divinity , wisdom and wealth
It is the central stone for St. Valentines ring
Deep Love - Happiness - Sincerity
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☀️ When exposed to too much sunlight

So If you love going to the beach regularly avoid
wearing amethyst jewelry : )
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In Feng Shui
it improves the flow of energy in your space
In Career & Life
it boosts your mental concentration
In Love and Relationships
provides calm and relaxing atmosphere full of
loving emotions
Did you know that
Citrine can be created by heat- treating Amethyst naturally or purposely !

Now due to this phenomenal above
a natural Bi-colored mixed Crystal
Ametrine exists
Ametrine blends masculine energy of
citrine and feminine energy of amethyst

Because of this, it is a beneficial stone for sexuality!
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